View the parenting articles about parent/child and adolescent relationships from the St Mary’s College Counsellors below.
Parent/child and adolescent relationships
- Aiming for Independence
- Body Image in Children and Adolescents tips for parents and carers
- Bonding and Learning Through Play
- Building Confidence
- Calm Parents Calm Kids
- Children and Diversity
- Christmas - Spending Time Together
- Christmas Message
- Communicating with Your Child – high impact conversations
- Competence and Independence
- Confidence Helping Your Kids Develop Confidence Capacity and Mastery
- Connecting at Christmas Time
- Decision Making
- Delaying Gratification
- Developmental Tasks for 12-18-Year-Olds
- Developmental Tasks for 4-5-Year-Olds
- Developmental Tasks for 6-11-Year-Olds
- Does Your Child Tell Lies
- Emotion Coaching
- Emotion Coaching Role of the School Counsellor and a Relationship Strategy
- Emotional Wellbeing and Diet
- Enjoying Your Children
- Extra Curricula Activities
- Farewell from Gai
- Fathers and Daughters
- Forgiveness
- Growing and changing - who are you and what have you done with my beautiful child?
- Growth Mindset
- Happy Holidays
- Helping Children Learn to Cope with Failure
- Holding on to Your Childs Trust
- How to Talk with Children about Tragic World Events
- Kindness - Tis the Season to Show Kindness
- Laughter Antidote and Modelling
- Learned Helplessness
- Learning Happiness
- Learning Self Control
- Lightening up - the role of humour in parenting
- Listening To Your Child
- Loving Your Child But Not Liking Them
- Managing Behaviour Encouragement and Rewards
- Mindfulness for Children and Adults and the Benefits
- Motivation
- Name it to tame it
- Parent Concerns - To Go Up to School or Not That is the Question
- Parenting
- Pets and Children
- Pick Your Battles
- Positive parenting workshops
- Promoting Happiness by Giving
- Protective and Overprotective Parenting
- Protective Parenting
- Recap and Happy Festive Season
- Relationship Building - Things Your Child Should Never Hear You Say
- Respectful Relationships
- Rituals - The Importance of Rituals to Family Life
- Routines
- Shaming Kids - Let's Look at Alternatives
- Strengthening the Bonds
- Talking about Mental Illness with Your Child
- Talking About the School Day
- Talking About Tragic Situations
- Teaching kindness
- The comfort and connecting value of rituals
- The Questions Parents Ask
- The Zones of Regulation
- Traditions and Rituals
- Tragic World Events - How Do You Talk To Your Children When Terrible Things Are Happening In The World
- Unconditional Love
- Unhelpful Thinking Styles
- What Do You Do When You Are Not Quite Sure What To Do Next