Sports sign-up Term 4

Junior School

Toggle between sports and carnivals for further information.

YearsSportStartFinishDay of Play
5-6Touch Football21 October26 NovemberTuesday
3-4Teeball22 October27 NovemberWednesday
3-6Cricket27 October24 NovemberMonday
1-6Flippa Ball
Come and Try Day
26 October
30 NovemberSunday
5-6Southern Regional Basketball Tournament*Weekend 25/26 October TBC
3-4Southern Regional Basketball Tournament*Weekend 8/9 November TBC
Prep - 2Athletics Fun Day*Tuesday 25 November at GYC
KinderAthletics Fun Day*Wednesday 19 November at Nagle Centre
STCPSSA Athletics CarnivalFriday 31 October
JSSATIS Athletics CarnivalThursday 6 November
(Back up TBC)
Year 5Beach DayTBC
Year 6Beach DayTBC
Schools Triathlon ChallengeFriday 27 November

Please email Fiona Rhodes at [email protected] to sign up or for any enquiries about Junior School sport.

Term 4 entries will close on Monday 9 September.

Senior School

YearsSportStartDay of Play
7 – 8Tennis21 OctoberTuesday
Aussie Rules16 OctoberThursday
7 – 8Touch Football20 OctoberMonday
9-10Tennis20 OctoberMonday
9 – 10Touch Football22 OctoberWednesday
7-12Big Splash CarnivalFriday 24 October

Please email Mia Blignaut at [email protected] for any enquiries about Senior School sport.

Term 4 entries will close on Monday 16 September.

Sign up to the 2023 Tasmanian Schools Triathlon Challenge via the form below:

Schools Triathlon Entry Form

Entries close on Wednesday 18 October.

The Senior event takes place on Thursday 30 November and the Junior event takes place on Friday 1 December.


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Groving our love of learning

St Mary's College is located on the traditional lands of the muwinina people of the South East Nation. We acknowledge and deeply respect the palawa people, the Tasmanian Aboriginal Community, and all Elders past and present. We are committed to learning alongside our students and community in this place, nipaluna, and support the continued sharing of knowledge and culture.