Frequently asked questions

How many students are in the school?

Student numbers change from year to year, however our capacity from Kindergarten to Year 12 is 1036 students.

What are usual class sizes?

Classes vary in size throughout the College:

Kindergarten– maximum of 25
Prep – maximum of 26
Junior school – maximum of 28
Years 7-10 – maximum of 28
Years 11-12 – Maximum of 18

Do we have to be Catholic for our daughter to attend St Mary’s?

While enrolment preference is given to Catholic families, our College community is an inclusive one.  We are proud of the many students who have come to us from other Catholic, independent and Government schools.

How are places offered?

Preference for enrolments is determined by the prioritised order listed in the Catholic Education Enrolment Policy. If you wish to be considered for a place at St Mary’s, please submit an enrolment form.

What are the fees?

Details of fees and our fee schedule and guidelines can be found here.

Is there any financial support available?

As part of our Fee policy, St Mary’s College fully supports the principle adopted by all Catholic schools that Catholic children should not be excluded from a Catholic School education if their parents/carers are unable to pay school fees. We therefore sincerely encourage Catholic parents and carers to contact us if they find themselves in this position.

Student Wellbeing and School Counsellors

At St Mary’s we believe that Pastoral care is a key part of school life, and we take this aspect of education very seriously.  The St Mary’s College Leadership Team, House Leaders and Wellbeing Coaches, Year 7 and Year 8 Wellbeing Coordinators and our Middle Years Leader together with our committed Pastoral Care Teachers, are pivotal to the health and happiness of our students.

Further information, contact details for our Wellbeing Coaches and useful resources are available on our SchoolTV page.

What help, support or extension opportunities are available for my daughter if she needs it?

We offer learning support and extension programs for individual students from Kinder to Year 12 through our Lantern Program.

What are the start and finish times?

Our Junior school day commences at 8.45am and finishes at 3.00pm.

Senior School commences at 8.40am and finishes at 3.15pm.

Can I come and see the school?

We welcome prospective families to come and see our school.  You can take a personal tour with our Enrolment Officer or book a ‘Meet the Principal Tour’.  Further information and bookings can be made here

What are transport options for St Mary’s?

Conveniently located on Harrington Street in Hobart, St Mary’s College students have direct access to an extensive bus network just outside the College gates. The College is only a five-minute walk to the Elizabeth Street Mall.

In addition to Metro services, private bus companies with charters to regional areas are also available and stop directly outside the College on Harrington Street.

For the most up-to-date information about bus services, please contact the bus companies directly.

How does the school handle conflict or bullying at the school?

St Mary’s College recognises its duty to students to provide a safe and positive learning environment where individual differences and diversity within the College is respected and accepted.

Bullying is not tolerated at St Mary’s College.

Please read our Bullying Prevention and Intervention Guidelines here.


SMC Toolbox

Groving our love of learning

St Mary's College is located on the traditional lands of the muwinina people of the South East Nation. We acknowledge and deeply respect the palawa people, the Tasmanian Aboriginal Community, and all Elders past and present. We are committed to learning alongside our students and community in this place, nipaluna, and support the continued sharing of knowledge and culture.