Presentation House
History: Presentation House was named in honour of the Presentation Sisters who opened St Mary’s College in 1868. The original nine pilgrim women, led by Mother Francis Xavier (Ellen) Murphy, arrived from Ireland in 1866.
Their foundress, Nano Nagle, established her order of Sisters in Cork in 1775, their mission being to educate the Catholic children penalised by harsh British penal laws, and to care for the oppressed, the sick and the elderly.
Appointed Bishop of Hobart in 1866, Daniel Murphy at once saw a strong need in Hobart for an order of teaching Sisters and he invited his sister Mother Francis Xavier (Ellen) to bring other Sisters with her to establish a school.
Spirit: The members of Presentation are proud to bear this name and to show hospitality, simplicity and compassion towards all others, as well as the kind of strength and courage shown by Nano Nagle and all the Sisters.
Colour: Yellow
Value: Courage
Motto: The Latin motto on the flag reads COELITUS VIRES MIHI, meaning Strength Comes From God.
Nano Nagle Quote: “With the help of God, we can do a great deal”
Prayer: Loving God, we recognise in Nano Nagle a strength which comes from you. This enabled her, in the face of disappointment regarding her dreams, to take up her lantern and set out each day to bring comfort to those who had very little light in their lives. We pray that we will be strengthened by her example and bring a little light into the lives of those we see every day especially those who may feel lonely or ignored. Amen.