Meet Catherine Vout, Learning Support Officer (Year 3)
What is your present responsibility at the College?
I’m currently based in Year 3 where I work one-on-one with students – across the two classes – in Learning Support programs. I’m also available to both classes to assist with everyday learning and support. Having the ability to do both is something I really enjoy about my role. I’m also very lucky to be guided by a brilliant Year 3 teaching team who provide me with the opportunity to participate fully in fun classroom activities.
What does learning support look like in the Junior School?
Learning Support is about being available to the students to cater to their individual needs; all students learn in diverse ways and have different rates at which they learn. What this involves can look different on any given day or week, but it could be helping a student who may need extra assistance in their learning or taking a small group of students for a generalised maths lesson. A big part of my role is being available to the teachers, who might recognise that someone requires a bit of extra TLC or instruction.
What do you most value about St Mary’s College?
The general atmosphere! Everyone has a kind manner; our staff are very approachable and there’s a real sense of community here. The students are wonderful too. Year 3 is such a lovely cohort to work with and both classes bring me a lot of joy.
What has your class taught you?
Their youthful energy and kind, fun-loving nature have really taught me to enjoy the present moment. They certainly help bring me up on days where I might be feeling a little rough.
What were you like as a student?
I liked to be very organised – as a student I prided myself on being on time and wearing my uniform correctly! I loved creative writing and also really enjoyed Auslan, which I studied in primary and secondary school. I started to enjoy maths as I got older, but it was a subject I really struggled with in Junior School before receiving tutoring and additional support.
What is something that brings you joy?
Aside from the students and staff here at SMC, my puppies bring me a lot of joy. I have two puppies, Herschel, a chocolate lab and Eddie, a golden retriever. I have to add, they also bring me many sleepless nights, but they are very much worth it!
What is one skill you’d like to master?
I’d like to be more confident in public speaking and would love to explore opportunities to develop skills in this space. As I’m currently studying to be a teacher, these skills are vital. Outside of school and work, I’d like to one day write a children’s book (drawing on my experience in early years education and childcare). I haven’t put any words to paper just yet, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while now.
What are you currently reading / watching / listening to?
I’m a big Real Housewives fan and will watch any Housewives series that I can get. Anything true crime related is also a guilty pleasure of mine. I don’t have a lot of time to read, but I’m hoping I can find a few days during the holidays to pick up a book. Outside of scrolling through my Netflix account, I love swimming, playing netball and hanging out with my family. I enjoy going out for breakfast with my parents and two sisters or simply catching up over coffee.