COVID-19 Parent and Carer Information

Posted on in Major

If your child has tested positive for COVID-19, please report the absence here and complete the COVID-19 case report form when prompted.

In partnership with Catholic Education Tasmania, St Mary’s College has provided parents and carers with important information to support their child/ren’s COVID-19 safety in Term 1.

The COVID-19 Advice for Parents/Carers document, linked here, outlines mask wearing requirements, expectations for student attendance, plans for online learning and information on rapid antigen testing, as well as recommendations for vaccination and symptom management.

The safety and wellbeing of all in our school community is of utmost importance. We will continue to keep families informed on COVID-19 related matters and will be sharing information as it comes to hand. Thank you all for your ongoing support and cooperation.

Latest update: Wednesday 2 November 2022 

Changes to mandatory COVID-19 isolation requirements

From 14 October, individuals who test positive for COVID-19 are no longer required to isolate for five days.

In accordance with advice provided to the education sector by Public Health, please be advised that our COVID-19 settings for Term 4 are as follows:

  1. Staff or students who test positive for COVID-19 are no longer required to undergo mandatory isolation.
  2. It is a CET requirement that staff or students who test positive and who display acute COVID-related symptoms are not to enter a school until their symptoms have gone or have significantly resolved e.g. they have not had a fever (or signs of fever such as chills or night sweats) for at least 24 hours.
  3. Requirements for close contacts such as mask wearing when outside the home no longer apply.
  4. Staff or students with cold or flu symptoms should stay home and test using a rapid antigen test for two consecutive days. If the person tests negative on successive days for COVID-19 and their symptoms are mild e.g. a runny nose but no coughing or sneezing, then it is OK for the person to be at school.
  5. Staff and students who test positive for COVID-19 but who are asymptomatic can enter a school.
  6. Staff who are asymptomatic and who look after high-risk students should either stay away from school for 5 working days or wear a mask for 5 working days.
  7. Registration of positive tests, whilst no longer required, is recommended particularly for those persons who may wish to access health services such as COVID anti-viral treatments and COVID @ home.
  8. The provision of rapid antigen tests to staff and students on request is to continue.
  9. Reporting of COVID-19 related absences / infections to the TCEO is no longer required.
  10. Communicable disease leave of up to 5 working days will be available to staff who contact COVID-19 in an educational setting.
  11. It is a Public Health requirement that staff and students who test positive not enter any listed high-risk settings (hospitals, residential aged care etc) until 7 days after they test positive.
  12. With the onset of warmer weather, opportunities to maximise natural ventilation of indoor areas should be pursued.
  13. Continue to promote the ‘stay away if unwell’ message, personal hygiene and to wipe down once per day frequently touched surfaces with soapy water or disinfectant.
  14. Apart from items 1 to 13 there are no other requirements or restrictions on any school related activity.


— The following information was updated Wednesday 4 May 2022

Easing of close contact COVID rules

If you are a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case in your household, you are no longer required to isolate or quarantine for seven days, according to new Tasmanian Government rules that came into effect on Monday 2 May 2022.

Close contacts may now leave their home as long as they are symptom-free, but they will need to do a daily rapid antigen test (RAT), wear masks indoors and notify the College of their close contact status. If students or staff become symptomatic of COVID-19 while at the College, they are to immediately return home and take a RAT.

Face masks

From midnight Friday 24 June masks will no longer be required to be worn in Catholic Education Tasmania schools. Close contacts of positive cases will still be required to wear masks in indoor settings when outside the home.

While masks will no longer be mandatory in Catholic Education Tasmania schools, there are times when you might continue to see masks worn. Please note:

  • Mask wearing in indoor settings when outside the home will still be required by staff and students subject to household close contact requirements, with the exception of students in primary schools.
  • Those who wish to wear a mask to reduce their personal risk of catching or transmitting viral respiratory illnesses will be supported.
  • Mask wearing is recommended when staff are working closely with children vulnerable to COVID-19.
  • The College will have a limited supply of masks available for staff, students and visitors should they wish to wear one. We do ask individuals to please provide their own masks, if possible.
  • Mask wearing may be required by Public Health in specific instances in response to an increase of cases at a Catholic Education Tasmania school or workplace.

Provision of RATs

RATs will only be provided when:

  • a staff member or student is symptomatic
  • staff or students are close contacts and are required to test.

Outbreak management

Class, year level and campus outbreak testing will not follow any particular regime or case number requirements. Group testing will not be required unless directed by the Catholic Education Tasmania or Public Health. Public Health will work closely with the TCEO on an individual basis where there is concern about significant transmission, for example, 30 per cent of a year level within a school.


Changes to Check in TAS requirements

Thank you for your support with checking in when you visit our College.

You no longer have to check in via the Check in TAS app. Please continue to sign in using school check in processes.

COVID-19 booster vaccine

The Department of Health has advised that students aged 16 years and older who have had a second COVID-19 vaccination three or more months ago are now due for a booster.

This includes people who were 15 years of age when they received their second does and are now 16 years of age. You can check when you had your second dose on your MyGov COVID-19 immunisation certificate.

Vaccinations are not mandatory for children to attend school, but parents and carers are encouraged to consider getting their child/ren vaccinated to help protect their child/ren, their families and our school community.

Community vaccination clinics are running across the state and appointments are available. Book online here or call the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738.

Vaccinations are also available at participating GPs and pharmacies. Find a pharmacy or GP near you at Service Finder here.

Rapid antigen testing 

A RAT is to be used at home when a child is symptomatic or for daily testing to rule out transmission where a confirmed case is present at home. If your child develops symptoms whilst at school, parents or carers will be asked to collect them and conduct the test at home.

For a demonstration on how to use a RAT, please watch the video here. This website also includes a useful FAQ section on RATs.

Registering a positive RAT result 

If your child tests positive, please ensure you register their RAT result on the website by completing this form. You must also notify the Principal.

Reporting a COVID absentee

If your child has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and is required to isolate, please complete the notification form here.

Please note that this process is required in addition to the normal system for notifying a student absence. When notifying of a student absence via the St Mary’s College website or phone, please indicate COVID-19 as the reason.

Keep it COVID-safe at school

Let’s work together to keep each other safe.

  • Stay at home if you feel sick.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water.
  • Wear a face mask, if required*.
  • Don’t share food or drinks.

*Senior School students must wear face masks indoors (exemptions apply). 

Further resources


SMC Toolbox

Groving our love of learning

St Mary's College is located on the traditional lands of the muwinina people of the South East Nation. We acknowledge and deeply respect the palawa people, the Tasmanian Aboriginal Community, and all Elders past and present. We are committed to learning alongside our students and community in this place, nipaluna, and support the continued sharing of knowledge and culture.