VET in Schools (VETiS) provides for nationally recognised vocational education and training to be undertaken as part of a senior secondary certificate. At St Mary’s College students have the opportunity to gain a nationally-recognised Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) full or partial VET qualification, whilst completing the Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE). Because all VET qualifications and individual units accrue TCE points; students are able to select from a variety of VET and Tasmanian Assessment Standards and Certification (TASC) subjects to achieve their TCE.
VETiS programs are packaged, delivered and supported at St Mary’s College in a variety of ways. In agreement with Guilford Young College (GYC), provider no. 1129, as the Registered Training Organisation (RTO). St Mary’s College currently delivers full qualifications in Workplace Skills and Tourism and partial ones in Community Services (with a childcare focus) and Hospitality. If a students’ choice of VET subject is not offered at St Mary’s then they have the opportunity to attend GYC to complete a course. If a qualification outside of GYC’s scope is preferred, a student may seek advice from the Careers Counsellor to undertake a course with an external Training Provider.
A School-based Traineeship or Apprenticeship is another way that St Mary’s College supports students to achieve a qualification. When a student participates in part-time work in an appropriate workplace and wants to stay at school to complete their TCE, a school-based Traineeship or Apprenticeship can be undertaken. The Trainee or Apprentice, along with the Employer (including Group Training Organisations), School, RTO and Parents sign the training contract and agree to the conditions under the Tasmanian Workforce Development Act 2013. Successful achievements by the school-based Trainee or Apprentice also contribute to the student’s TCE and are listed on the Statement of Results issued by TASC.
VET qualifications enable students to develop foundation skills; these are the non-technical skills that support an individual’s participation in the workplace, in the community and in education and training. Foundation skills incorporate the learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy (LLN) skills described in the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF); and the employability skills described in the Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework (CSfW), listed below:
- Navigate the world of work
- Manage career and work life
- Work with roles, rights and protocols
- Interact with others
- Communicate for work
- Connect and work with others
- Recognise and utilise diverse perspectives
- Get the work done
- Plan and organise
- Make decisions
- Identify and solve problems
- Create and innovate
- Work in a digital world
All full VET qualifications require students to participate in a work experience placement during term or holiday time. Work placement enables students an opportunity to transfer competencies into actual job roles; performing tasks and working with others in a real work context. We are always looking to expand our network of work placement providers and invite you to contact us if you are interested in being involved with our VET students.
For further information about Vocational Education and Training opportunities at St Mary’s College, please contact Michelle Baker, Acting Learning Leader VET: [email protected].