Kinder gardeners unearth buried treasure

Posted on in Junior School

Taking a break from the classroom recently, the Kinder Platypuses enjoyed an afternoon in the veggie patch with Mr Phil Shanny (Murphy’s Café Manager), planting carrots and peas for their spring garden.

The plants, which were kindly donated to the College by Harmony Garden Centre, were the perfect size for the Kinders to work with under the direction of Mr Shanny, who showed the group how to gently loosen the roots and soil for planting.

As they dug in, creating a trench with their fingers – while also rooting around for weeds and earthworms, the Kinders stumbled across something small, round and hard in the dirt: potato gold!







It wasn’t long before their little pile of treasures grew and soon, their bucket was filled to the brim with potatoes to offload at Murphy’s Café.

The Kinders were also thrilled to discover that the broccoli, cauliflower and celery they planted earlier in the year were now in full bloom and ready for picking and eating.

In fact, they were able to sample some of the fruits of their labour at our recent Lantern Lunches, with a delicious pasta bolognese (packed with fresh veggies) and garlic bread on the menu.

It was especially lovely to share the experience with our friends in Kinder at St Virgil’s College. Making the lunch even more special was the chance to dine outside on our new Murphy’s Café deck.

We wish to thank the Murphy’s Café staff for another satisfying meal, and the Year 4 students from St Virgil’s College, together with our Year 4s, who helped out with serving the food and cleaning up the dishes.

Our school kitchen garden program introduces students to the wonders of gardening, immersing them in nature, promoting healthy eating and giving them a chance to learn skills and knowledge in growing and producing food through experiential learning: growing food and life skills!






















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St Mary's College is located on the traditional lands of the muwinina people of the South East Nation. We acknowledge and deeply respect the palawa people, the Tasmanian Aboriginal Community, and all Elders past and present. We are committed to learning alongside our students and community in this place, nipaluna, and support the continued sharing of knowledge and culture.