Environmental stewardship is deeply embedded into the St Mary’s College curriculum, creating opportunities for students to connect with nature and care for the environment from the very beginning of their schooling journey.
At the heart of this lies our Kinder Garden program, which takes learning beyond the classroom to involve our youngest green thumbs in hands-on, age-appropriate gardening activities rooted in real-world experiences.
Kinder garden
Located within the College grounds, our vibrant school kitchen garden is a hub of curiosity, learning and discovery. Throughout the school term, Kindergarten students immerse themselves in the fascinating world of gardening through weekly workshops led by Mr Phil Shanny, Manager of Murphy’s Café. These workshops provide a hands-on learning experience where students actively participate in planting and harvesting their own herbs, vegetables and leafy greens.
Each session is designed to be engaging and educational, allowing the young gardeners to get their hands dirty while learning basic gardening skills. They start by preparing the soil, selecting the right seeds and planting them with care. As the weeks progress, students learn to nurture their plants, understanding the importance of watering, sunlight and protection from pests, and using resources sustainably. The excitement builds as they watch their plants grow from tiny seedlings into mature plants ready for harvest. When the time comes, the students proudly pick their produce, experiencing the joy and satisfaction of growing their own food. This process teaches them about life cycles and instills responsibility and patience.
By the end of the year, students have a deeper appreciation for nature and a better understanding of where their food comes from. The produce they grow is then used in Murphy’s Café, giving them a tangible connection to the food they see on their plates, and reinforcing the concept of garden-to-table.
Students are also encouraged to help out in the garden by laying mulch, pulling weeds and contributing to the school’s compost system and worm farm.
Gardening is not just about growing plants; it’s about nurturing young minds and bodies, fostering a lifelong connection with nature and growing skills for life. – Mr Phil Shanny, Murphy’s Café Manager
Bush tucker treasures
Our dedicated luwutina kipli garden, located adjacent to the College Green, showcases a variety of native Tasmanian produce, including Tasmanian pepper berry, saltbush and native mints.
By cultivating these plants, students gain valuable insights into the cultural heritage and traditional ecological knowledge of our First Nations people, while also learning the importance of preserving indigenous plant species.
Lantern Lunches
In 2024, the College proudly launched ‘Lantern Lunches’, a unique initiative designed to bring students and teachers together over a hot meal. The program encourages mixing between year levels and fosters new conversations, creating a vibrant community atmosphere.
Lantern Lunches rotate through the Junior School, ensuring every student has the opportunity to participate at least once a term. Each meal, provided by Murphy’s, is simple yet fresh and nutritious.
In our fast-paced world, Lantern Lunches offer a valuable chance to sit down, try different meals and enjoy meaningful conversations.